"There is no way for you to pass beyond the sky, save by Divine authority and by inspiration from heaven.
Know that the mark of one who apprehends this is his crying for help.
Veil the faults of others, in order that a similar veiling may be vouchsafed to you: do not deride anyone, until you see yourself in security.
Inflict upon another only the pain and injury that you would wish and approve for yourself.
Who is the "protector"? The one that sets you free and removes the fetters of servitude from your feet.
Do you, like the gay, colored garden, give unspoken thanks at every moment to the Water?
The cypresses and the green orchard silently thank the water that nourishes them, and show silent gratitude for the blessings of Spring.
Clad in fresh robes, and trailing their skirts, drunken and dancing and jubilant and scattering perfume,
Every part of them is impregnated by the royal Spring."
Rumi (Vol.6 4514-4546)
Commentary: What we have in common is our need for help and nourishment and forgiveness. And a glimpse of our divine destiny is revealed in the beauty and the joy of Spring.