"The angels beseech God piteously, saying,"O Thou, who answers every prayer, and O Thou, whose protection is invoked,
A faithful servant of yours is making humble entreaty: he knows none but You on whom to rely.
You bestow Your bounty even on strangers: every ardent wisher gains his desire from You."
God says," It is not that he is despicable in my sight, no, the very deferment of the bounty is for the sake of helping him.
Need caused him to turn towards Me from his former state of forgetfulness: it dragged him by the hair into My presence.
If I satisfy his need, he will go back and again become absorbed in that idle play.
Although he is now crying with all his soul, "O Thou whose protection is invoked" let him continue to moan with a broken heart and a wounded breast."
Know for sure that this is the reason why the true believers suffer disappointment, whether in seeking good, or in avoiding evil."
Rumi (Vol.6, 4219-4238)
Commentary: On a spiritual path, you never really know what is going on...