"There was once a man who inherited money and estates: he squandered all and was left destitute and miserable.
Inherited wealth does not indeed remain constant to its new owner, since it was parted against its will from the deceased one.
O such-an-such, you do not know the value of your soul, because God bountifully gave it to you for nothing.
The man's ready money went, and his furniture and houses went; he was left alone like owls in the desert.
When he became empty, he began to call onto God; he started the tune of, "O Lord!" and "O Lord, protect me!"
Since the Prophet has said that the true believer is like a lute, which makes music only at the time that it is empty,
Do not become full, for sweet is the touch of God's hand.
Become empty and stay happily between God's two fingers..."
Rumi (Vol.6 4206-4215)
Commentary: Having nothing to rely on, but God and grace: an enviable, if difficult, position.