"This precious divine knowledge is not for the purpose of gaining worldly interest...
If it is learned as a bait for popularity, and not for the sake of spiritual enlightenment, the seeker of religious knowledge is just as lost as the seeker of worldly knowledge.
Both skepticism and faith are bearing witness to Him, both are bowing down in worship before God...
The infidel keeps the King's fortress in good repair; but he is claiming to be in command.
He has become a rebel, intending that this should be his domain, but in truth, to the end, the fortress comes to be the King's.
The faithful believer keeps the fortress in good repair for the sake of the King, not for honor and power. "
Rumi (Vol. 2 2427-2545)
Commentary: Apparently, we can claim to be in charge, but it hardly matters. We aren't. And whether we acknowledge it or not, this kingdom, here on earth, does not belong to us. And the gifts we have are "gifts". And the grace we receive is not something we have created, or deserve. What a wonderful day when we know that we have been given the privilege to serve. .