Friday, December 4, 2009

Your Teacher...

"Without an escort, you are bewildered, even on a road you have travelled many times before.
Do not, then, travel alone on a Way that you have not seen at all; do not turn your head away from the Guide.
Come into the shade of the palm tree of hope. Come into the protection of the Sage whom no one can carry off from the Way.
His shadow on the earth is like that of a great mountain. His spirit is like the eagle that circles and soars exceedingly high. ...The divine sun has veiled himself in the human form.
When you have chosen your teacher, be not faint hearted, be not weak as water and crumbly as earth,
If you are enraged by every blow, how will you become a clear mirror without being polished?
Everything is perishing except His face.
By His hand, every impossible thing is made possible; in awe of Him, every unruly one is made quiet.
Even the dead is made living by the spell of the Almighty."

Rumi (Vol. 1 selections from 2944- 3069)

Commentary: Take refuge with a Saint.