"Become a seeker and a hunter of the hidden game.
If anyone were to say to the embryo in the womb, "Outside is a world, exceedingly well ordered,
A pleasant earth, broad and long, wherein are a hundred delights, and so many things to eat,
Mountains, and seas and plains, fragrant orchards, gardens, and sown fields,
A sky very lofty and full of light, sun and moonbeams and a hundred stars,
The gardens have the appearance of wedding feasts and banquets,
Its marvels are beyond description: why are you in tribulation in darkness?"..
The embryo, by virtue of its present state, would be incredulous, and would turn away from this message and would not believe it.
Saying, " This is absurd, and is a deceit, and delusion, " because the judgements of the blind have no imagination."
Rumi (Vol 3. from 52- 61)
Commentary: We, who are spiritually blind, have many reasons to question whether there is a higher level of consciousness, the kingdom of God, a place where we would experience only love and peace. Rumi tells us that in order to know that reality, we will have to leave the narrow confines of our own current circumstances. Sometimes we get a little too comfortable in the "womb" of this life..but it was never meant to be our permanent home.