"O Valiant friend, take hold of the skirt of Him who is exempt from 'above' and below'.
God is with you in space and in the spaceless world, when you leave house and shop behind.
He brings forth purity from defilements. He takes your acts of wrong as your faithful performance of duty.
Humanity craves winter in summer, and when winter comes we like it not.
For we are never content with any state of things, neither with poverty, nor with a life of plenty...
How often did the shepherd call to the foolish!
They tore the coats off the Josephs, the prophets and saints, and that which they gave, they got, piece by piece.
Who is that Joseph? Your God-seeking heart, bound as a captive in your abode.
The heart says, "My patience is lost in separation from Your face, O Lord...
O You that bestows happiness on the souls of the prophets, either slay me, or call me back to You, or come Yourself. How should one that belongs to You, be patient without You?"
God said, " Yes, O pure of heart, listen to Me, and have patience, for patience is better.
The dawn in near. Hush, do not wail! I am striving for you, you need not strive."
Rumi (Vol. 3 from 339-411)
Commentary: "The dawn is near".. what a perfect message for the New Year. May the captives.. (and our God seeking hearts) be set free!