"We are much addicted to subtle discussions, we are exceedingly fond of solving problems:
And to the end that we may tie knots and then undo them, we are making many rules for posing and stating the difficulty and for answering the questions raised by them.
Like a bird who would undo the fastening of a snare, only to tie the snare back together, many times, in order that he might become perfect at this skill;
The bird is deprived of the open country and meadow lands; its life is spent in dealing with knots;
Even then, the snare is not subdued by these efforts. The wings of the bird are always getting broken.
Do not struggle with knots, lest your wings and feathers be snapped asunder through this vain display of effort on your part...
(Instead) fly away with joy from your diversity towards oneness.
Whosoever you may be, turn your face towards the One: this is the thing which God has not forbidden for you, at any time."
Rumi (Vol, 2, 3733- 3745)
Commentary: I love Rumi's beautiful words. His stories are brilliant. His discussions of theology are insightful. And yet...he urges us not to get lost in the mind and the intellect. He says that we are destined for joy, and flight. At some point we will have to leave the knots, (and our skill at knot tying and untying) behind.