"Union with this world, is separation from that world.
Hard is the separation from this transitory abode: know that the separation from the permanent abode is even harder.
Since it is hard for you to be separated from the form, how hard must it be to be separated from its Maker!
O You, who has not the patience to do without this vile world, How, O friend, do you have the patience to do without God?
Since you do not have the patience to to do without this black water, how have you the patience to do without God's pure fountain?
If for one moment you were to behold the beauty of the Loving One, and cast your soul and existence into the fire of love...
You would obtain your Beloved. Then you would draw out from your foot the thorn of self.
Strive for selflessness, find your true self, as soon as possible."
Rumi (Vol 4, 3209-3219)
Commentary: The Saints say that we are destined to experience a love and a joy, that exceeds any happiness we have experienced thus far...