"Know that the honesty and goodness of your witnesses must be established: the means of establishing it is a great sincerity: you are dependent on that.
In the case of the word-witness, it is keeping your word that is the test; in the case of the act-witness, it is keeping your covenant.
The word-witness is rejected if it speaks falsely, and the act-witness is rejected if it does not run straight.
You must have words and acts that are not contradictory, in order that you may meet with immediate acceptance.
Your efforts are diverse, you are in contradiction: you are sewing by day, and tearing up what you have sown by night.
Who, then, will listen to testimony that contradicts itself, unless indeed the Judge graciously shows a great forbearance?
O recalcitrant one, so long as you contend with the holy Saints, they will contend with you. Lie in wait for them, then! Truthfully, they are lying in wait for you."
Rumi (Vol. 5, 252-260)
Commentary: I think I'd prefer a multiple choice...a test that is a little more abstract, and intellectual, not one that demands integrity, sincerity in all things, and humility.