"Speak softly, but do not speak anything but the truth: do not offer temptation in the mildness of your address.
Do tell the clay-eater that sugar is better: do not show injurious softness, do not give him clay.
Speech should be a spiritual garden to the soul...
that the inhabitant of the earth may become one in aim and in nature with the sublime celestial.
Then, separation and polytheism, and duality will disappear: in real existence there is only unity.
The mirror that keeps hidden the defects of the face to flatter every cuckold
Is not a true mirror; it is hypocritical. Do not seek such a mirror as long as you can help it."
Rumi (Vol. 4 3817-3855)
Commentary: Sweet and comforting words are not always true... conversely, behind Rumi's harsh words, is a great love. On to Volume 5!