"In appearance I am ruining your work, but in reality, I am making a thorn into a rose garden.
A certain man was plowing the soil: a fool cried out and could not control himself,
Saying, "Why are you ruining this soil, and cleaving and scattering it?"
"O fool" said he, "begone, do not interfere with me: recognize the difference between cultivation and devastation.
How should this soil become a rose garden, or a cornfield unless the soil becomes ugly and ruined?
How should it become crops and leaves and fruits until its arrangement is turned up-side down?
When a tailor cuts the cloth for a garment, piece by piece, will anyone strike that expert tailor,
Saying, " Why have you torn this choice satin? What can I do with a torn garment?"
Until you crush wheat in the mill, how will our table be garnished with bread?"
Rumi (Vol.4, 2340- 2353)
Commentary:When it is your own heart that is getting broken open, the difference between cultivation and devastation can be hard to grasp. Maybe when the roses come up after a long, hard , snowy winter, we will know.