"Real intelligence is in being safe, and in the desire to act justly towards every woman, and every man; but where is such intelligence to be found?
One atom of the protection of Divine favor, is better than a thousand efforts by the devout pietist.
The quiet of the expert swimmer, is better than the violent exertions, the wild movements of hands and feet of one who is unable to swim.
The one that cannot swim, desperately flails with his hands and feet and drowns; while the practiced swimmer moves quietly and smoothly, with a steadfastness like that of pillars.
Knowledge is an ocean without bound or shore: the seeker of knowledge is like a diver in those seas.
Though his life be a thousand years long, never will that one become tired of seeking."
Rumi (Vol.6, 3861-3882)
Commentary; As another poet wrote "Lie back daughter, and let the sea hold you..."