"Say, "First the neighbor, then the house." If you have a heart, go seek the sweetheart.
When my eye beheld the face of that spiritual emperor, all plurality vanished from my sight.
Know that the Saint's bodies are the lamp niche, and their hearts the glass; this lamp illumines the empyrean and the heavens.
Heaven's light is dazzled by this Light, and vanishes like the stars in this radiance of morning.
"I am not contained in the heavens or in the void or in the exalted intelligence...
But I am contained, as a guest, in the true believer's heart, without qualification, or definition or description.
To the end that by the meditation of that heart all, above and below, may win from Me sovereignty and fortune.
Without such a mirror neither earth nor time could bear the vision of My beauty.
I caused the steed of my mercy to gallop over the two worlds: I fashioned a very spacious mirror,
From this mirror appear at every moment fifty spiritual wedding feasts: hearken to the mirror, but do not ask Me to describe it."
Rumi (Vol.6, 3010-3077)
Commentary: The love Rumi points to, cannot be described. But you can see it in the eyes and in the smile of Saints.