"O Giver of spiritual nourishment and steadfastness and stability, give your creature deliverance from this instability.
Grant unto the soul--for it is bent and crooked--to stand upright, to persevere with honesty in the work where it ought to be stable."
The thought of children is of the nurse, or milk, or raisins and walnuts, or weeping and crying.
The imitator is like a sick child, although he may have at his disposal subtle argument and logical proofs.
That profundity in dealing with proofs and difficult problems is severing him from spiritual insight.
O imitator, turn back, go to humility that you may become a spiritual hero.
God has great bounty: run to receive it, O You who has become a pawn to imagination and fancy.
A weeping full of ignorance and conformity and mere opinion is not like the weeping of that trusted One.
That weeping is after thirty years of spiritual warfare: the intellect can never get there.
Beyond reason there are a hundred stages: deem not the intellect to be acquainted with that caravan."
Rumi (Vol.5, 1197-1306)
Commentary: We can't get "there" with even the best mind. We have to give up the imitation of spirituality, and do the actual work.