"O my God, our eyes have become intoxicated. Forgive us: our burdens have been made heavy.
O concealed One, who has filled the world from East to West with Your radiance, and who is exalted above the light of the place of sunrise and sunset,
You are the inmost ground of consciousness revealing our innermost thoughts. You are the force that causes our damned up rivers to burst forth.
O You, whose essence is hidden, while Your gifts are perceived by the senses, You are as the water, and we are as the millstone.
You are the wind and we are the dust: the wind is hidden, while the dust blown by it is plainly visible.
You are the spring, we are fair as the verdant orchard: the spring is hidden while its bounty is manifest.
You are as the Spirit, we are like hand and foot: the opening and the closing of the hand is due to the spirit.
You are like the joy, and we are the laughter, for we are the result of Your blessed joy.
All our actions are really a continual profession of faith, which bears witness to the Eternal Almighty One.
You are beyond my conception and utterance."
Rumi (Vol.5, 3307-3318)
Commentary: Rumi's prayers sound more like love letters...imagine, imagining yourself as God's laughter!