"What does anyone know of me but a little?
I know, and God, who draws a veil of concealment over me.
Whatever ill deeds I have done, the Divine Mercy took them as not having been done: and my undone acts of obedience, that Mercy took as having been preformed.
Mercy made me free as the cypress and the lily, it made me glad of heart as fortune and felicity.
Mercy inscribed my name in the registry of the righteous: I was one doomed to Hell; it gave me Paradise.
When I cried "Alas", my "Alas" became a rope, and the rope was let down into my well.
I clutched the rope and climbed out: I became glad and strong and stout and rosy.
Formerly I was lying in misery at the bottom of the well: now I am not contained in the whole world.
Praise be onto You, O God! You did suddenly put me far from sorrow."
Rumi (Vol. 5 2303-2314)
Commentary: This is a view that those of us still at the bottom of the well, can at least look forward to; we are promised a time when all of our cries of "alas", will be turned into joy.