"Intellects are excluded from this mystery: if the heart of imagination burst, let it burst!
In the sight of Love, fear is not as much as a single hair: in the law of love, all things are offered as a sacrifice.
Love is an attribute of God, but fear is an attribute of a servant of God who is affected by desire and gluttony...
If I should continue to describe Love, a hundred Resurrections would pass, and my description would still be incomplete.
Love has five hundred wings and every wing extends from above the highest heaven to beneath the earth.
The timid ascetic runs on foot; the lovers of God fly more quickly than the lightening and wind.
Perchance, the favors of the Divine Light may come and say, "Become free of this world and from this wayfaring."
Your duality is the push and pull of necessity and free-will. The pull of the Beloved, who draws you to Himself, transcends these two."
Rumi (Vol 5, 2183-2196)
Commentary: It pays to fly...