"God's universal power of choice brought our individual powers of choice into existence: God's power of choice is like a rider, hidden within the dust that he raises.
The carpenter has authority over a piece of wood, and the artist has authority over beauty;
The iron-smith is a superintendent of iron; the builder is a ruler over his tools.
This is extraordinary; for all this human free will is bowing low, like a servant, in homage to God's free will...
An oxen is forced, if it refuses the yoke: is an ox ever beaten by blows because it refuses to fly?
Since you are not ill, don't bandage your head: you have free will, don't make a fool of yourself, (by claiming everything is destined).
Endeavor to gain freshness and spiritual grace from God's cup of love, then you will become selfless and obedient.
The saying of the servant,"Whatever God wills will come to pass"does not signify "be lazy and inactive in that matter."
No, it is an incitement to complete devotion and exertion, meaning, "Make yourself exceedingly ready to preform that service."
The interpretation that makes you ardent and hopeful and active and reverent is the true one."
Rumi (Vol.5,3087-3125)
Commentary: Spiritually speaking, there are no excuses. Rumi wants us to get up out of bed, and walk.