"This one's faith is mere imitation: his spirit has never seen the face of Faith.
The imitator is in great danger from the road and the thief...
But when he beholds the life of God, he becomes safe: he is at rest from the agitation of doubt...
You have emboldened those who are afraid of traveling on the Way, but underneath, and inwardly, you are trembling more than all the rest.
You lecture to them all on trust in God, while you are grasping at flies, and attempting to slit the veins of the gnats in the air.
Advance one or two paces, make a good endeavor: Love will lay hold of your ear and then draw you inward.
There, it is dessert on dessert, and wine on wine! Go up and proclaim that all are welcome at the feast.
The sun in heaven is clapping its hands: the motes are dancing like lovers.
All eyes are intoxicated with an orchard abounding in greenery, where the blossoms are budding on the boughs.
The eye of blessedness works absolute magic: the spirit is made victorious, crying, "I am God."
Rumi (Vol. 5, 2449-2536)
Commentary: For Rumi,in the season of the spirit, it is always spring. And God's transformative magic is there for those of us who are afraid that the winter will last forever.