"How long will you set up a show on the public road? You are footsore with travel and no desre of yours has been fulfilled.
When you enjoy good health, all are your friends and comrades, but in the hour of pain and sorrow, where is any familiar friend but God?
In the hour of eye ache or toothache will any take your hand to help, except the One who comes at the hour of distress?
Become a lover, seek a fair follower, hunt a waterfowl from river to river.
In Love, which is glorious and resplendent, you will find new intelligible things, other than what you now consider intelligible things.
For by your individual intelligence you procure the means of subsistence, while by that other, universal intelligence, you make the tiers of heaven a carpet under your feet.
When you gamble away and sacrifice your intelligence, in love of the Lord, God gives you ten like it, or seven hundred.
Love, which is the cup bearer of life, takes away your intelligence in one moment: then you drink your fill of wisdom for all the rest of your life.
O dear Soul, Love alone cuts disputation short, for it alone comes to the rescue when you cry for help against arguments.
Eloquence is dumbfounded by Love."
Rumi (Vol.5, 3205-3240)
Commentary: This kind of Love is worth betting your whole life on....