Tuesday, March 9, 2010

The Secret of Winter

"O God, show us everything as it really is in this house of illusion.
No one who has died is filled with grief on account of death; his grief is caused by having too little provision for the life hereafter.
From this place of mourning, and this narrow vale of tribulation, he has been transported to the spacious plain.
It is the seat of truth, and God is there besides him.
And if you have not yet led the illuminative life, one or two moments still remain: die to the self, like a true human being!
Dawn is the little resurrection: O seeker of refuge with God, judge from the sunrise what the greater resurrection will be like.
From onion, leek and poppy the hand of spring reveals the secret of winter."

Rumi (Vol. 5, 1765-1801)

Commentary: With our remaining moments, may we turn in the direction that spring comes from.