"This new springtime after the fall of leaves is a proof of the existence of the Resurrection.
In spring the secrets are revealed; whatsoever this earth has eaten comes into view.
It shoots up from her mouth and lips, in order that she may bring to mind her hidden mind and way.
The secret of the root of every tree and its nutriment- the whole of that is plainly brought forth on its leafy top...
To whomsoever God has announced victory and triumph, to that one success and unsuccess are one.
To whosoever the favor of the Friend has become a surety-what fear should he have of defeat and painful combat?
When it has become certain that he will checkmate his opponent, the loss of a knight and a bishop is a trifle to him.
You perceive that in the past you have sown lentils: you know now what the crop will be.
Formerly, you had feelings from God of fear and hope:the fear has passed away, and the hope has come into clear view."
Rumi (Vol. 5 3971-4070)
Commentary: The spring is a perfect time to remember that new life has already won the game.