"For this search is God's pledge, deposited within you, because every seeker deserves something that is sought.
Strive that this search may increase...
Be patient and persistent in fasting: be always expecting the food of God;
For God, who acts with goodness and is long suffering, bestows His gifts on those that are in expectation.
The food-less man is always asking, "Where is it?" and expecting nourishment hungrily, and seeking and searching for food.
Unless you are expectant, that bounty of many blessings and bliss will not come to you.
Every hungry person obtained some food at last: the sun of spiritual fortune shone upon him.
When a magnanimous guest will not eat some inferior food, the host brings better food.
Unless he be a poor host and a mean one. Do not think so ill of the generous Provider!
Lift up your head like a mountain...in order that the first rays of the Sun may strike upon you;
For the lofty firm-based mountain-peak is expecting the sun of dawn."
Rumi (Vol. 5, 1734-1759)
Commentary: On this spiritual path, have confidence in the host...we will be fed and cared for. Morning (and the sun rise) is coming.