"Sometimes it is spring and summer, delicious as honey and milk; sometimes the world is a place of punishment by snow and piercing cold.
How should you, O heart, which are but one of a hundred thousand particulars, not be in restless movement by God's decree?
Be at the disposal of the Prince, like a horse, now confined on the stable, now going out on the road.
When he fastens you to a peg, be fastened, be quiet and submissive; when he frees you to go, be exultant, and prance and bound.
Whether you are good or bad, or open or secret, God is the One that overhears and sees all things.
From drinking the ruby-wine of the life giving spirit, we are ruby, within ruby within ruby.
Once more the assembly place has become flourishing and heart-illuminating."
Rumi (Vol.6 925-945)
Commentary: According to Rumi, our moods will shift and change. Our devotion will appear and disappear. Sometimes we will feel constrained and trapped, and then, surprisingly soon thereafter, we'll be liberated and dancing. The life of the spirit keeps moving us forward.