"Abandon trust in strength, and seek the gold in piteous supplication.
That which is real is closer than the artery in your neck.
The farther one shoots the arrow, the farther away and more separated he is from the treasure that lies close by.
The philosopher exhausted himself with thinking: let him run on in vain, for his back is turned towards the treasure.
Let him run on; the more he runs, the more remote does he become from the object of his heart's desire.
That Divine King said,"those who have striven for Us": God did not say, "those who have striven away from Us", O restless one.
How often have knowledge and keen wits and understanding been as deadly as the ghost or thief to the wayfarer!
Most of those destined for Paradise are simple, so that they escape from the mischief of philosophy.
Strip yourself of useless learning and vanity, in order that the Divine Mercy can descend on you every moment.
Why should the pure devotee wish to be clever?"
Rumi (Vol. 6, 2352-2373)
Commenatry: Rumi was head of the philosophy department at the university in Tehran. He knew that being smart, or clever or strong would not bring you closer to God.