"In the end the seeker is a finder, for from patience joy is born.
Our King is entirely truth and loyalty; that disgrace which is visiting us is from ourselves alone.
Our walnuts are being crushed in this mill: whatever we may tell of our anguish, is but a little.
I will not listen to deceitful talk of separation from the Beloved: I have experienced it: how long shall I experience it?
In this Way, everything except derangement and madness is a cause of distance and alienation from God.
Though you bring two hundred fetters, I will snap them all except the curls of God's auspicious Beauty.
Love and reputation, O brother and sister, are not in accord: do not stand at the door of reputation, O lover.
O You, who by your magic has spell-bound the spirit's sleep, O hard-hearted Beloved that You are in the world....
How should God's heart be happy until I burn? O my heart is God's home and dwelling place....
Come, leave off saying "this is not" and "that is not": bring forward the One who is Real Being.
Bodies are like pots with the lids on: look and see what is in each pot.
The bodily eye is always seeing the body: the spiritual eye sees the elusive soul."
Rumi (Vol 6, 595-654)
Commentary: Rumi recommends patience, and then gets frustrated and impatient with God! Apparently it is expected that we will praise and blame, surrender and rail, experience anguish and joy. Madness, indeed.