"O Knower of the secret, I have run about in vain for the sake of this treasure.
The devil of greed and desire and hurry sought neither deliberation, or calmness.
I have not gained a morsel from any pot: I have only blackened my hand and burnt my mouth."
"O hard-faced impudent seeker, the knot which God tied, God will also loose; the die that God cast, He Himself will take off.
The seeker said, " O Lord, I repent of this haste; since You have shut the door, do Thou also open the door."
Through God's hand the unworthy and the worthy are freed by mercy from the bonds of servitude.
"O You, who has made every stranger Your friend, and O You, who has given the rose as a robe of honor to the thorn,
Sift our dust a second time, make our nothing to be something once more."
Rumi (Vol. 6 2288-2317)
Commentary. This is not about us. Not even about our efforts and our worthiness. This is about mercy, and grace, and trusting in the One who can make all things new.