"How should there be room for self assertion (wind in the mustache) and personal reputation (water in the face) in the wine in which there is no room for even a single hair of self existence?
Go to the sea of whose fish you are born: how have you fallen, like rubbish,into distraction?
You are not rubbish--far be it from you! You are an object of envy to the pearl; you have the best right to dwell among the waves and the sea.
It is the Sea of Unity: where there is no fellow or consort.
In this Sea there is no partnership or complexity; but what can I say to the one that sees double? Nothing, nothing.
O idolater, that Unity is beyond description and condition: nothing comes into the arena of speech except duality."
Rumi (Vol.6. 2021-2034)
Commentary: Words, no matter how eloquent, will not take us where we want to go. In order to experience the "Sea of Unity" we're going to have to learn to swim and dive.