"What would it matter if the Bounteous One should bestow on his servant the desire of his soul, without painful toil?"
The teacher said, "Were there no bitter stern Commandments from God, and were there no good and evil, and no pebbles and no pearls,
And there were no flesh and Devil and passions, and were there no blows and battle and war,
Then by what name and title would the King call His servants?
How could he say, "O steadfast one, and "O forbearing one"? How could He say, "O brave one" and "O wise one"?
How could there be steadfast and sincere and generous souls, without a brigand and a thief?
Knowledge and wisdom would be annulled and utterly demolished.
Knowledge and wisdom exist for the purpose of distinguishing between the right paths and the wrong paths: when all paths are the right path, knowledge and wisdom are devoid of meaning.
The cruelty of time and fortune and every affliction that exists are lighter than farness from God , and forgetfulness of God.
Because these afflictions will pass, but the forgetfulness will not. Only the one who brings his spirit to God, awake and mindful, is possessed of happiness."
Rumi (Vol.6, 1745-1757)
Commentary: In this world, some things are true, and others false. There is no alternative to the struggle.