"The victims of this melancholy madness expect grass to grow from iron.
This path needs a person with a stout heart, like you.
If you cannot find this treasure you will never weary of seeking for it; and if you find it, you will be granted the right of possession.
Love is reckless, not reason: reason seeks that from which it may get some profit.
The lover gambles everything clean away, he seeks no reward, even as he receives everything as a free gift from God.
Gambling oneself clean away in pure self sacrifice transcends every religion.
Religion seeks grace or salvation. Those who gamble everything clean away are chosen favorites.
They do not put God to any test, nor do they knock at the door of any profit or loss.
The medicine of all intellects is but a picture of Love, the faces of all sweethearts are but a veil of God."
Rumi (Vol. 1963-1982)
Commentary: The path of Love is not one that can be understood by reason. Still, we keep seeking...