"At the time when greed and desire have stirred in your heart, at that time keep saying, "Help me, O You who comes at the cry for help.
Do not take away your protection from my head: I am restless, restless, restless.
Though I am not deserving of Your favor, what does it matter, if for a moment You ask after an unworthy one, who is in great anguish?
What right to your favor had non-existence, to which Your grace opened such doors?
Your bounty touched the mangy earth, and put in its bosom ten pearls of the light of sensation...
O You, by whom my shop and my dwelling is ruined, how shall I not wail when you shake my heart?
How shall I flee from You, since without You none live?"
O Comrades, the Beloved has barred the ways; we are lame deer and God is a hunting lion.
For one who is in the clutch of a fierce and bloodthirsty lion, where is any resource except resignation and acquiescence?"
Rumi (Vol.6, 535-577)
Commentary: We are to ask for help, even if we are faithless and distracted and restless. Are we seeking God, or is God hunting us?