"If the Saint did not exist, the earth would not have gained treasure within, and jasmine without...
This garment that protects you from the cold--God gives it the temperature of intense frost,
So that this garment of the body becomes cold as ice and biting as snow.
This, God does in order that you might flee from the fox-fur and silk, and take refuge with Him.
The Divine artist who depicts thought is saying, "Consider deeply, O my servant.
O you, who are as hard as steel, devote yourself...
If your body is dead, resort to resurrection...if your heart is frozen, repair to the sun of the Spirit.
Inasmuch as you have wrapped yourself in the garment of fantasy, lo, you will soon reach the position of the destructive minded skeptic.
Truly, he was dispossessed of the kernel which is reason; he was dispossessed of true perception; and deprived of immediate experience.
When this poor soul speaks, it is the hour of mumbling."
Rumi (Vol.6 2106-2186)
Commentary: What is ultimately false and transitory is taken from us. (What used to keep us warm and happy, no longer does.) The Saints beg us to turn in the direction of true perception, and real experience. Anything less, is just mumbling. (mumbling is something I am good at...)