"Incapacity is a chain: God laid it upon you: you must open your eye to behold the One who lays the chain.
Therefore, make a humble entreaty, saying, "O Guide in the ways of life, I was free, and now I have fallen into bondage: what is the cause of this?
I have planted my foot in evil more firmly than ever, for even in the midst of Your omnipotence, truthfully, I am engaged in a losing business all the time.
I have been deaf to Your admonitions: while professing to be an idol breaker, I have really been an idol maker.
Is it now more incumbent on me to think of Your works, or of death? Death is like autumn, and You are the the origin of the green leaves."
For years this death has been beating the drum, but only when it is too late, is your ear moved to listen.
In his agony, the heedless man cries from his innermost soul, "Alas, I am dying!" Has death made you aware of itself only now?
Death's throat is exhausted with shouting: his drum is split with the astounding blows with which it has been beaten.
But you enmeshed yourself in trivialities: only now have you apprehended the mystery of dying."
Rumi (Vol.6, 768-776)
Commentary: We are all "short-timers". Maybe today would be a good day to turn away from all the trivialities, and to remember what we are called to do, while we are here on earth.