"Paradise is fashioned out of good deeds and intentions.
Its foundation is knowledge and action.
Behold the house of the heart: it was disordered by worldly cares: it was swept clean by a vow of repentance.
The life of the everlasting Abode of paradise exists in the heart...
Now come, do not despair! When God wills, light arrives from God in a single moment.
At every instance, His power causes a hundred influences from the stars to reach the subterranean mines.
O you, who seeks help, the celestial sphere, at a distance of five hundred years' journey, is in effect close to the earth...
It is a journey of three thousand five hundred years to Saturn, yet this planet's special property acts incessantly upon the earth.
God rolls Saturn up like a shadow, at the return of the sun: in the sun's presence what does the length of the shadow matter?
And from the pure star-like souls replenishment is ever coming to the stars of heaven.'
Rumi (Vol. 4 475-519)
Commentary: Not knowing very much about the influence of the stars, it is comforting to imagine that there is a light that reaches the darkest corners of our hearts and minds.