" At the time before meditation, his heart is eager for wounds; then in action his bag is emptied of air by a single needle.
I marvel at the seeker of purity who at the time of polishing shrinks from being handled roughly.
Love is like a lawsuit; to suffer harsh treatment is like the evidence: when you have no evidence, the lawsuit is lost...
The blows of the stick with which a man beats a rug, are inflicted not on the rug, but on the dust in the rug.
You imprison grapes in the vat, in order that it may become wine...."
Rumi (Vol. 3 4007-4014)
Commentary: Rumi appears to trust every aspect of divine love and reality, even what appears to us to be harsh treatment. Some day , when we turn into fine wine, may we raise a toast to the narrow imprisonment in the vat. (but not now...)