"God said, communing with himself at dawn, "O Thou who are One, how fares that distraught wanderer of Ours?
He committed a sin, and We saw it, but he was not well acquainted with Our mercy.
The sinner's heart becomes afraid of Us, but in his fears there are a hundred hopes.
I am a patcher. I put the patch in its proper place; I give drink to everyone in due measure.
No lover is in truth seeking union without his loved one seeking him.
When the lightening of love for the Beloved has shot into this heart, know that there is love in that heart.
When love for God has been doubled in your heart, without any doubt, God has love for you.
No sound of love comes forth from one hand of yours without the other hand.
The thirsty man is crying, "I want delicious water!" The water cries too, saying, "Where is the water-drinker?"
The thirst in our souls is the attraction exerted by the water: we are Its, and It is ours."
Rumi (Vol. 3 4379-4499)
Commentary: "without any doubt, God has love for each of us" Now all we, who are distraught wanderers, have to do is to believe it!