"I laugh because I am dragging you in chains and shackles to the cypress-garden, and to the roses of Paradise.
With heavy chains I am dragging you away from the direction of Hell, to an everlasting Paradise.
Every blind follower of this Way, be he good or evil, God is dragging him, bound like that, into His Presence.
All go along this Way in the chains of fear and tribulation, except the Saints.
All are dragged along this Way reluctantly, except those persons who are acquainted with the mysteries of the Divine action.
Endeavor that your inward light becomes radiant, so that traveling on the path of Devotion and service to God may be made easy.
You take children to school by force, because they are still blind to the benefits of knowledge.
But when a child becomes aware of the benefits, she runs to school; her soul expands with joy at going."
Rumi (Vol. 3 from 4578-4586)
Commentary: So, we are not the only reluctant, stubborn, bad-tempered and distrustful disciples...