"The desire of the soul is for Life and for the Living One, because its origin is the Infinite Soul.
You make a hundred resolutions to journey to a certain place.
God turns the horse's bridle in every direction in order that the untrained horse may gain knowledge of the rider.
God fixed your heart on a hundred passionate desires, disappointed you, and then broke your heart.
Inasmuch as God broke the wings of that first intention of yours, how was not the existence of the Wing-breaker perfectly established in your mind?
In the course of events your resolutions and purposes now and then come right and are fulfilled.
In order that, through hope of that fulfillment your heart may form an intention, and that God may once more destroy your intention.
For if God were to keep you wholly unsuccessful, your heart would despair: how would it sow the seed of expectation?
And unless it sowed the seed of expectation, how from its barrenness would its subjection to the Divine will become apparent to it?
By their failure the lovers are made aware of their Lord. Unsuccess is the guide to Paradise."
Rumi (Vol.3 4437-4467)
Commentary: The system is counter-intuitive. And I would much prefer to learn about my powerlessness through strength, and success and accomplishment. But apparently, failure and unsuccess are greater blessings. We have been richly blessed.