Monday, January 11, 2010

The Destiny of Distraction, and the Remedy of Grace

(said the distracted ones)" God has set a lock on our hearts... this will not be altered by talking.
A hundred years you may tell the pebble to become a ruby: A hundred years you can tell the old to become everyone God has allotted a certain course.'
The prophets responded, 'Yes, God has created some qualities from which it is impossible to withdraw one's self.
And, he has also created qualities which are only accidental...
If you bid sand to become clay, it is incapable of doing so; but if you bid earth to become clay, that is possible.
God has given maladies for which there is a remedy...such as a headache.
These medicines God has made for the sake of restoring harmony..
Most maladies have a cure: when you seek in earnest, it will come to hand.
Despair is wicked: the grace and the mercies of the Creator are infinite.
It is not proper to despair of such a Benefactor: cling to the saddle-strap of His mercy.
O many a plight became hard at the beginning, but afterwards it was relieved, and the hardship passed away.
After despair there are many hopes. After darkness there are many suns.
I grant indeed that you have become stony and have put locks upon your ears and hearts; But we have nothing to do with any acceptance."

Rumi (Vol. 3, from 2901-2929)

Commentary: You and I are not unchangeable. For our sicknesses, there is a cure. For our distraction, confusion, and stony hearts, there is a Benefactor.