"Whether one be slow or speedy in movement, the one that is a seeker will be a finder.
Always apply yourself with all your might to seeking, for search is an excellent guide on the way.
Though you be lame and limping and bent in figure, and unmannerly, ever creep towards Him, and be in quest of Him.
Now by speech, and now by silence and now by smelling, catch in every quarter the scent of the King...
Whenever a sweet scent comes, smell in that direction, for you are acquainted with that direction.
Whenever you are aware of a kindness from anyone, it is possible that you may find the way to the source of that kindness.
All these lovely things are from a deep sea: leave the part and keep your eye fixed upon the whole.
Smell all the way from the part to the whole,"
Rumi (Vol.3, from 978-992)
Commentary: We want that ocean of mercy. Even when the road is long, and the cold winds are howling, Rumi encourages us to keep looking for the source of all joy.