"Anyone who has dreamed of the Day of Covenant, is drunken on the path of devotion, drunken;
Like a drunk, frenzied camel, he is bearing this heavy sack without flagging, and without questioning, and without fatigue;
Through the strength bestowed on him, the camel becomes like a fierce lion...
In his longing, a hundred starvations lie lightly on him; the mountain seems to him to be a strand of hair.
But the one who has not dreamed such a dream of the Covenant, does not become a servant and a seeker of God in this world.
Or, if he does become such, he is always changing and shifting in vacillation; He gives thanks to God for one moment, and utters complaints for a year.
He steps forward and backwards on the Way of Religion, with a hundred vacillations and without any certainty...
I have hope in You alone, by whom every difficult thing is made easy.
This blindness of mine is the blindness of love.
I am revolving around Your grace, O axis of all."
Rumi (Vol. 3 from 2348-2364)
Commentary: It depends on the day. Sometimes we remember the "Covenant", the promises we have received from God. Other times, we vacillate. We step forward and backwards. For every word of gratitude, we "utter a year (!) of complaints". What a moment it will be, when we only revolve around God's grace.