"The One that hears the voice of the ants, will also hear the cry from the innermost soul of them that are afar.
The earth's outward form says, "We are this, and no more"; from within it says,"Look well, before you and behind."
Its outward is denying, and says that the inward is nothing: its inward says, "We will show you the truth: wait and see."
The outward, and the inward are in strife...
We make the forms of existence from this sad-faced earth: We make manifest its hidden laughter.
For though outwardly the earth is full of sorrow and tears, within it there are hundreds and thousands of laughters.
We are the revealer of the mystery, and Our work is just this, that we bring forth these hidden things from concealment...
Many is the wondrous child that this earth has had...
Earth and heaven rejoice, saying, "From us two, who are joined in wedlock, such a king is born!"
Heaven is bursting for joy of that One, earth is become like a lily, on account of this purity....
Whosoever shall strive in tribulation for God's sake, Heaven will put its back under your feet for support.
Your outward form is wailing because of the darkness; your inward spirit is like roses within roses."
Rumi (Vol.4, 871-1024)
Commentary: Someday we will know the inward truth, and that truth shall set us free. Here's hoping...